Ebare Tract

332 acre parcel of land


Located 40 km north of Sault Ste Marie, the Ebare Tract is a 332 acre parcel of land that makes up the entire eastern portion of the King Mountain massif. This land, formerly owned by Lorny and Julie Ebare, was recently purchased by Algoma Highlands Conservancy (AHC) to bring our landholdings to over 3,300 acres.

Stewardship Endowment Campaign

We are thrilled to announce the unveiling of our Stewardship Endowment Campaign  which strives to raise the necessary funds for the purchase and maintenance of the newly acquired Ebare Tract.

We aim to reach a lofty goal of $320,000. To date, AHC has received $132,087 in private donations and secured $130,000 in federal government funding.

campaign goal

Our purpose in launching this campaign is to raise funds that will not only sustain this protected habitat but also have a transformative impact on AHC’s ability to achieve its mission.

Make a one-time gift (CAD)

Ebare Tract

Key habitat for threatened species

Robertson Cliffs, King Mountain, and now the Ebare Tract, provide key habitat for migratory birds, including the threatened Canada warbler, who cross the Great Lakes and nest in the mixed forests of maple-yellow birch forests. This combined protected area provides habitat to both globally, federally and provincially designated species at risk including the little brown bat, West Virginia white butterfly, black ash, alpine dot lichen, and yellow banded bumble bee. 

Help protect the Algoma Highlands

Our forests are secured from logging for 100 years with our carbon credit certification; current holdings including the newly acquired Ebare Tract sequester over 335,000 tons of CO₂ yearly, contributing to Canada’s net-zero emission goal by 2050.

Registered Charity

The Algoma Highlands Conservancy is a nonprofit organization and a registered charity. In Canada, our charitable registration number is 889710778RR0001. In the U.S., our federal tax ID number is 38-3055079.

Map of Ebare Tract in Algoma Highlands Conservancy land.
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